Warning: This post is pretty long… make sure that you have a little time to set aside to process through it
A lot of what I have been processing through lately has led me to some interesting conclusions.
Perhaps they aren’t conclusions at all… Maybe they are just more questions.
But, since I’ve been here, I’ve had to come to grips with the fact that there are a ton of people here doing development work. A TON!
Just about every single organization that I have talked with has a different take on development. What works best? What does a Christian development/mission agency look like? How can we make what we’re doing here sustainable after we leave?
Those are all very hard questions, with answers that are rarely black and white.
With all of the organizations and approaches that I have seen over the last few months, I have seen ones that are working great and ones that are doing a really crappy job.
So… I’m trying to figure out what I think about all this. More importantly, what God thinks about this? What does the Bible say regarding missions and development? So… trek with me on this little process of my thoughts.
Jesus gives us two clear commandments: GO and MAKE (Matthew 28:19)
Now… the question becomes… Where are we supposed to go? What are we supposed to make? Those are very important questions to have to right answers to, right?
It seems like we are pretty clear on the GO part of the commandment. We are all pretty sure that Jesus meant for us (the Body of Christ) to go to all nations. It seems like most churches have a pretty good grasp on that. Some are doing much better with it than others, but most Bible-believing churches feel that it is important to at least set aside some money to send people around the world.
However, things start getting really fuzzy when we get to the second part of the commandment. MAKE. What are we commanded to make?
Make money? … No.
Make babies? … No … although not a bad idea!
Make people happy? … No … although widely popular.
Make people not die as fast, and their bellies not stick out so far? … No … although it is a sad tragedy that this is the case in a world full of affluence like we live in.
Make converts to Christianity? … No … although many would disagree with me on that one.
We are commanded to do one thing...
A disciple is not a convert. A disciple is not just a “Christian” like we have come to understand Christianity today.
A disciple looks a lot like Jesus… not just with their words, but with their entire life.
The reality is… the church has historically done a horrible job of making disciples.
There is a saying that says: “Christianity in
Although, I would have to say that I have met some really amazing followers of Jesus here in
OK… So, here is where I want you to follow my thought process. See, the more and more I follow after Jesus and try my hardest to live out His Word, the more I see how much it really is truth. For years, I accepted the Bible as “God’s Word”, but in reality, I really didn’t think it was all that applicable to our culture today. My thoughts always trumped the Bible. My culture always trumped the Bible. But, through experience, I am learning over and over again that as goofy as things in Scripture may seem when you read them, they really are truth… and they really do work!
Back to
The reality is, there are problems on so many levels. It’s not just in this country… it’s that way in many developing countries.
There are problems like HIV/AIDS that affect a person and a family at the micro level… but, behind most of the individual problems, you will find a structural problem. These are at the macro level. The government. The cultural norms. Stuff like that.
So, as a missionary that is focusing most of your time on social issues, like helping people with AIDS, or trying to eradicate poverty, you spend your time trying to build things up from the bottom. You work with an individual to empower them, ect.
But, as a foreigner, I’m not allowed to vote. I shouldn’t be making structural changes in a society that is not my own… that needs to come from people within. So, in a way, my hands are tied. Yeah, I can bandage a wound and tell people that Jesus loves them, but I can’t do much that is lasting.
But, if we return to Scripture and heed Jesus’ call to make disciples, a lot of that will be taken care of from within.
A disciple will have a servant’s heart. A disciple will want to fight injustices in their society. A disciple will care for those around them that are suffering. A disciple will fight corruption.
You see where I’m going with this.
Here are the problems that I am seeing…
All of this aid money is flowing into developing countries from the West. However, when it crosses that big ocean, much of it gets filtered through a huge funnel of corruption and selfishness. There are stories all the time of high level officials that are caught using international aid funding for their personal gain. These officials get bigger houses and better cars, and there are still millions that are left starving and dying of preventable diseases in their countries. The problem there is lack of morals. Selfishness. The opposite of Jesus.
Many of the wealthy Malawians that I have met have come from a background of extreme poverty. They have worked their tails off to get out of that position. They have a nice place to live now, and their family is taken care of. But, somewhere in that jump from poverty to comfort, many people have lost their compassion for the poor. I think that many of us would do the exact same thing. Just like in the West, they have had the taste of money, and can't get enough.
I see it a lot even in the churches. Many churches are presenting this half-gospel that tells people that God wants everyone to become rich and “serve no man”. Why should we be surprised that that message is rampant in
So… here’s my vision.
To see a group of Malawians catch the true heart of Christ.
Don’t get me wrong… there are Malawians that have a greater faith than I can imagine, and are serving their communities in powerful ways.
But, as I sit with a group of youth, who have just finished secondary school and are stepping up to become the new face of Malawi… I just desperately want them to catch the heart of Christ.
I would love to see them take their education… take their talents and gifts… and do things that foreign developmental agencies would never think of doing.
There is so much potential!
So… I think that Jesus was on to something when he just said for us to just “go and makes some disciples”.
Not… go cure all the world’s ills.
Just go and change the way people see the world around them. I mean… that’s basically what the gospel does when it truly penetrates our hearts right? It completely changes the way we think and the way we see.
So… what do you think? I want some thoughts about this. Help me process through this one… Am I being “narrow-minded”? … Where should Christians draw a line?
Hi Ryan! I can't agree more with what you have posted. Your vision for Malawi youths is fantastic. I love it. Keep up the good work and God bless you.
wow. that's kinda all i can muster right now. What a cool perspective on matthew 28:19. Incredible thoughts. I sit here and pray for people's salvation all the time...which is necessary, but I don't ever pray for disciples. thanks for bringing new light to this verse. I think I always thought of it as making Christians. so good! I am so thankful for all that God is teaching you through this time.
Ryan, You have hit on the problem in your area and in the west, too. We witness, people "get saved", "make a profession of faith", "accept Christ" -however you want to say it, but we fail to MAKE DISCIPLES and many of them are lost to the world in a few years or maybe even a few months. Will they be in heaven with us? Yes. But they will never know the ABUNDANT LIFE Jesus spoke of and they will never make a difference in the age they live in. And if you watch, as people my age have been able to, the Gospel will be lost on many of their children and grandchildren. Jesus never said anything without a reason. When He said MAKE DISCIPLES He said it because second to salvation, it is the most important aspect of life in Christ.
Uh! I can't wait to sit down and talk about this in PERSON! When you get home, we need to print off each post and then hash it all out. This is too much for me to process on a blog, but I'm thankful for getting to begin thinking through this before you get back.
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