Tonight I sit. I sit and wonder where to begin. The depths of this culture, and the weight of its problems have just been splattered in my face like a child sneaking up behind me and squirting me in the eyes with a water pistol. No warning. Completely caught off guard. I find myself blinded by the very thing I'm attempting to wrap my head around.
Disillusioned. I feel a bit disillusioned about what is really happening around me. I guess when it all comes at you at once, you just kind of throw up both fists and close your eyes. I read all these books and do my best to be an activist when I'm in the US, but when I get here and those words on the pages are suddenly selling me tomatoes in the market, I find it hard to transfer. How do I get from ink on a page to real skin and bones with blood flowing through their veins?
I guess it's human nature. When you encounter things of such extreme magnitude, the human mind must just slip on its magical glasses that allows you to look directly at someone and not have a clue about what they live like each day. For some extremely odd reason, it is easier for me to ignore poverty over here. Did I just write that? Even in my head, it makes absolutely no sense! I don't know how I can live on the same piece of property as a man, his wife, two children and flock of chickens, and never pause to think about what he must be thinking about. What does poverty feel like? What does your stomach feel like, in the depths of you, when you are malnourished?
Terms. We love terms. We like it even more to just put a term on someone.
Orphan... A child with no parents. That's easy enough. I can sleep comfortably at night with that term. How does it feel to watch and attempt to process through your parents dieing in front of your very eyes at the age of four? It's completely out of my realm of thought. What does it feel like now, five years later, when the people taking care of you have lost interest in you? You feel like you're not human? "Do I deserve this?", you must think. "Maybe I do deserve this. Maybe I am second class."
Poverty. Apparently this term puts you under some imaginary line that we've formulated. When someone is "below the poverty line" we can easily wash out their face and chunk them in the pile with the rest of the faceless numbers that we like to strategize about. What does it feel like? What goes through your head when you know these few bites of nsima aren't going to keep your child from waking up half-way through the night screaming for more to eat? Does it seem harder to breathe when you feel the weight of all your problems stacking up on your head like water basin after water basin? Do you live in fear that at any second, you'll step on a rock, loose balance, and the water will plummet to the ground?
Poverty. We just love that word! We love to slap it on the covers of trendy magazines. Toss it around over a cup of coffee with friends. Say it oh so strategically in a campaign speech. It's just become one of those "all-American words" these days. We love that word! But, I hate what that word has done in me! Like a dusty wind, it has dried all the tears from my eyes. If it's too hard to grasp what it feels like, then I guess I just shouldn't even bother reaching.
So, I find myself at the market, starring into the eyes of a person... not a word on a page in a book on my shelf in my air-conditioned house. This is real. This person has kids, probably playing around behind the market, waiting for their mom to sell just a few more tomatoes and maybe tonight they will be able to have a nibble of chicken with their nsima. So, I look at this person. What do I see? I see a blur. They are talking, but I simply hear words. I'm thinking about two things... tomatoes and kwacha (money). Surely 15 cents is entirely too much for four tomatoes, I must get her down to 12 cents. So... I do. And I walk home with my bags full of vegetables and my pockets full of kwacha... and I make spaghetti.
What did tomato lady do tonight? You think that even passed through my mind? She lives over in that distant place called "poverty". At some point I will devise a cure-all program for her and all the rest of her faceless friends. But, for tonight... there's spaghetti... and it tastes good!! When I'm done with that, I'll make some tea, grab a book and read a little... write in my journal about that place called "poverty" and then mosey on to bed. Of course, not before a nice bath at just the right temperature.
Man... that spaghetti sure was good!
That was an excerpt from my journal a few nights ago. I just had this huge urge to do something artsy. This was after thumbing through a copy of Relevant Magazine... that always gets my creative juices flowing! If I would have had a paint brush, I would have just painted... but I didn't. So, I wrote.
As I began to write, the Lord began to bring together a lot of what I had been experiencing over the last month. Things that I have been guilty of. Things that I hate in myself, but they are true. They are sneaky and true!
When I was finished writing, I read back through it. For the first time since I have been here, I just began to weep. Weeping for the people around here. Weeping because even still, I don't get it. Weeping because I am still so selfish.
I just began to beg God to change my eyes. To give me the ability to look at the crowds with compassion. To soften my heart. To see people as people... not numbers.
Perhaps this is just the beginning of the process God is taking me through to help me understand things around here a little better.
Thanks for this today Ryan.
I am going to link to this post on my blog.
Wow. Speechless. I appreciate the weight of these words and being able to see this through your eyes.
Thank you for your heart! I am in awe....so thankful that you are struggling with some of the same things my husband and I do. We have felt so many of those things in Guatemala. Praying for you.
-Lindsey Wheeler
....please, please pray for us too!
I Love You so much, not just because your my son but the fact is your a very special man!
I can not imagine all of the feeling and thoughts that your dealing with but we know God does.
God has called you for this special work.You knew that there would be difficult times.
He usually matches the servant for the job and the job with the servant. Your are God's man for this job.
You know that Satan will mess with your head. Please do not let him sidetrack or cause you to lose focus.He tempted Jesus in the wilderness.He was and will be the only one that is above temptation.I know that you will not be caught off guard.
It's all but certain, that if you are pursuing God and God 's purpose for your life, to the existent that you are, there will be great opposition.
I know that you are overwhelmed, who wouldn't be? Thank God you are. It appears that He has moved you past being shaken and dazed and that is a good thing.
For you to Beg to the Lord to be more broken and to weep more than you already have in last few years and to ask for softer heart to one that is already soft,God is diffently on the verge of doing some thing great in and thur you.
You know that I always accuse you of being "Just Incredible" and you are but you and I really know that it is God in you.
Keep walking with and leaning heavily on Jesus and give them Hope!
Love Dad
well...I just finished my second read of your post. Not sure I even know how to respond yet...in words that is. My mind doesnt know what to say or what to think, but my heart knows what to feel and my eyes know what they are suppose to do, but my thoughts and my ideas are lagging behind.
The first read of the post was a quick check while I had dinner in the oven. Just wanted to see if my boyfriend had posted any new update, not expecting to be hit with thoughts I couldn't swallow. When I was done, I sat there speechless and broken. Then the timer interuppted my thoughts and pulled me back to college station. Back to my home of air conditioning and comfort. Back to the meal that was waiting downstairs for me to eat. I had friends coming over so my mind could not devote my full attention to these thoughts. However, as we bowed our heads to pray, all I could think about is how every night when I thank the Lord for providing food, I know he will tomorrow. I know that I will not know the deep pain of hunger you talk about.
The Lord breaks me as I think about the lettuce I threw out because I couldn't eat it fast enough and how down the street I know there are kids who are crying from hunger. I don't know. I feel so helpless and so spoiled, and yet as I eat the tomatoes in my salad tonight...I can't imagine life any other way. I can't give it up.
I will be praying that God would supernaturally allow you to see things the way He sees things. I don't know how He sees things. I don't know what i am asking Him to do for our eyes, but I pray that prayer knowing that there is nothing else I can muster to ask for.
Thank you for allowing what your eyes see to enter our minds and thoughts. Thank you for challenging us. I need it.
Wow!! I am blown away. I read your words and just....feel. If that makes sense. My heart is heavy and my mind is fuzzy. I am speechless....
I cannot express how much what you are doing means to me. Poverty is one of the "best kept secrets" of society. Noone wants to know it exists. Thank you for posting your experiences. I pray that through your eyes mine will be opened.
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