A few friends and I took a day trip to the Zomba Plateau, which is a short drive from the city that I live in.

I didn't really know what to expect when we were planning this trip. I hadn't really heard much about the place. In my mind, when I hear the word "plateau", I think of Arizona or Mexico or something. Maybe that's just me. Although both of those places are fine and dandy, it wasn't really the picture of beauty that I was hoping for.
So... Today I arose at 5:30 AM (keep in mind this is New Years Day... the morning after New Year's Eve), and we took off. After regaining consciousness from such an early departure, I was happy to be there.
We started the morning off with a nice hike to a look-out. I was told that this would only be a short, hour and a half hike. So, I thought, "shoot, I don't need to bring any water or anything... all I need is my camera around my shoulder". And, so we went.
After walking for quite a ways and not seeing much progress in the way of elevation, I began to fret about my situation. It was obvious that this would be no hour and a half trek.
In fact, this would be a trek that would take all morning, roll over my precious lunch hour and swing us back to base at around 1:30 with blisters oozing from my feet and a pain with every move in my pelvic region that will only be solved by injecting some of my neighbor's morphine into my veins shortly before retiring to sweet dreams tonight (the reason my neighbor has morphine is a different story... he's legit, don't worry).
The trip was by no means a disaster that I regret though. It was actually quite the opposite.
This country just seems to be foaming out the mouth with hidden treasures that do none other than take your breath away.
So... enjoy some of the pictures I took from today. Let the amazingness of Malawi flood over your eyes!

This is a view from the top of the plateau...
WOW! Unbelievable... this picture doesn't do it justice at all.

**Mom... close your eyes...
This is a picture of me sitting on the edge of this sheer drop off that was completely covered in rolling clouds that just beat us to the cite... Bummer.
Without the clouds, you can see for miles and miles across Malawi. Oh well... just one more reason to go back to this place.

Here's another one from the same area. The fog gave the place this cool, eerie feeling.

Well... in case you aren't fully convinced yet that Malawi is one of the most breathtaking countries on planet earth... I guess I will just have to keep finding more places like this one to drive the point home!
Check out all the photos that I took on this trip here... (there's a lot!)
those are really cool pictures. I am so glad you have the wide angle lens! It adds so much! Umm...not only your mom needs to close her eyes when you are standing on the edge of a cliff...girlfriends too! haha, no it was a cool pictures. let's just not die for the sake of taking a cool picture. I wish I could have seen that plateau...and been there to have sympathy for your feet and sore muscles!
I am glad you had such a great time!
You are pushing me to my limit!!!! Stay away from cliffs!
So, is this trek as long as the one that you and Dad tricked me into taking in Canada (18 plus miles)?
The pictures are incredible! I hope your feet and body recover.
love ya,
hi ryan! beautiful pictures...yah it's been an interesting break...my head is kinda swimming right now, but thanks for your prayers!
Don't worry about Ryan. He had his camera with him, and he would never put his camera in danger.
Good point Cynthia!
Good to see your pictures and hear your updates. I like the thoughts on Christmas. Blessings from home!
I love these pictures!
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