So... without further adieu... I present to you: My Favorite Things (in no particular order)...

Alright... so I lied... of course Gloria (my camera) ranks at the very top of this list!
I'm not sure I would know what to do with my life without this beautiful beast. She is my right hand and completes my very being. Just kidding. But, seriously...

These are the essentials in my book!
From left to right, we have: Pineapple Sobo (it's a concentrate you mix with water), Cocopina (kinda tastes like a pina colada), Third World Coke (there's nothing like it!), Fanta Pineapple, and Orange Sobo.
Something about them being in glass bottles makes them seem more special to me... and they are!

Next up is definitely my vast supply of coffee that greets me with a smile each morning.
You'll recognize several of the bags (because my family loves me and encourages addictions). But, the middle two are Malawian originals. Malawian coffee isn't the best in the whole world, but I can definitely live with it.

Since coffee has a special place in my heart for the AM... my PM substitute is none other than the Malawian favorite, Chombe Tea (hot, not cold).
It's actually pretty good stuff. I enjoy having a cup just after dinner, while I am winding down with a book or show or something.
And... since hot tea drinking was becoming a larger part of my life, I figured it was time to get a tea pot and some cups. So... Sara and I painted these while she was here... and they are my pride and joy when company comes to visit!

You may be wondering what "shows" I was referring to with the tea sipping...

My Name Is Earl is a rather constant companion of mine.
Don't you judge me!!
In my opinion, this is the funniest show ever made. I could watch it every day of my life. Luckily, with only two seasons out on DVD, that didn't last too long.
But, I think if my house were burning down, I would grab 3 things: my Bible, my camera, and My Name Is Earl.
As of Christmas though, Earl has had a buddy to sit with him on the shelf...

The Planet Earth Series by the BBC is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen!
I am only about 3 episodes in so far, but... WOW!
One of the coolest parts is actually being in the place where some of these things were filmed. The episode on Fresh Water has a part on Lake Malawi. It was really neat to watch that and know that I have seen these things first hand.
If you need to be reminded how extreme our God is... go get a copy of this collection!

But, there are definitely days that I could absolutely not go on without her.

On that note... a new addition to the things that I carry around with me on a daily basis are these nice handkerchiefs. Although not so much here in Blantyre, they are definitely needed when I go down to the sweltering villages in the south.
And... usually they are dripping by the end of the day.

Bao is my buddy. This game is a lot of fun to play with friends. Since I'm pretty much the Bao champion of the world, I like it because I always win!
But... it's fun to let other people try to beat me (Sara, Cynthia, Margs, ect.).

Considering, every morning I wake up and see a marching line of ants, going single file through every single thing on my counter (bread, sugar, veggies, ect.), I try my hardest to keep them at bay.
This was one of my first purchases in Malawi. I would love to tell you that it does a good job preventing ants from coming in my house... but, I can only vouch for what it does once they're already there.
Let's just say that you wouldn't want to be an ant in my house...

We don't really eat lentils in my neck of the woods in deep east Texas. But, they aren't bad at all. Cook em up and serve them over rice, and it makes a pleasant, quick meal... although there usually isn't meat involved... which is highly un-Texan.

It is truly bigger than sliced bread.
This bad boy will last for like 6 months in my pantry, waiting for me to get a craving for milk. Then, once opened, you just put it in the frig and drink it over the week, and you're good.
The concept is great!
The taste, however, has yet to steal my heart.
After the first week of being in Malawi, I gave up on trying to eat cereal. It's just not right. But, it's great in coffee or oatmeal or hot chocolate. So... I won't complain.
Welp... that's that. I hope you enjoyed your tour through my Malawian life.
I noticed emails from Mom did not make the list. Except for that, I do like your list...nice tea pot.
Hmmmmm....I haven't thought of naming my cameras! I think you've just inspired me. I think the names Earl & Earlette have a nice ring to them.
I would have to say that cameras and coffee would be up at the top of my list also.
That milk SCARES me. That has to be up there with Velveeta and Cheese Whiz on the 'all things bad' list.
rain drops on roses didn't make the list?!? I liked the list a lot though. I liked that Coco Pina made the list...that would definitely be one of my favorite parts of malawi. I laughed out loud when I read that the milk made the list...I know when you bought a 6 pack at one time it had to be on your favorites.
Let's talk about how I am developing a complex of you making Gloria your number one girl...She and I are going to have issues I feel.
I am with your mom, I am curious why awkward 5 second delay internet conversations did not make the favorites list.
Oh and let's discuss the "letting Sara win" comment. I recall you saying, "alright, now that you have beat me, no more teaching tips!" Thus you conceeded that I beat you fair and square! But seriously I really enjoyed that game, whether I won or lost!
So if I had a malawi favorites list it would be as follows:
1. Ryan Price (you are now malawian)
2. Coco Pina
3. Beating Ryan at Bao
In that order!
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