Yesterday, as I was returning from a morning in a village down south, we decided to take a short stroll through a nearby game park.
This is actually one of the worst times of the year to actually see animals. Because of the rains, the the bush is very thick and green... and there are plenty of water holes for animals to find a drink. It's best to go during the dry season, you are almost guaranteed to see animals at one of the few water holes.
Nonetheless, we were driving by, so we thought... what the heck.
When we got to the gate, we inquired about the price to get in... and it was not to my liking. I gave the guy a hard time for charging too much... then reached in my pocket and complied because I wasn't just going to turn around after all that effort. Then of course, you have to pay for a guide... and a map... and a car fee. So, after I was close to broke, he opened the gate, and in we went!
After driving for quite a while and only seeing crickets land on our windshield, we looked at each other and said, "If this was a tree safari, it would be amazing!"
Then, we rounded a corner and bam... there they were...

Immediately, I yanked up the parking brake and jumped out of the car with a huge camera as my only shield.
Our guide, who moments earlier I saw dozing off in our back seat, suddenly started yelling at me to "Get back in the truck!! These are very dangerous animals! If they start charging, they will crush the truck!!" For a guy carrying an AK47, he sure was a little weenie!

With my adrenaline out the roof, we started down the trail again... then, around the next curb... we saw this...

Next stop was the Shire River.
**Side note: For all you Lord of the Rings fans out there... Tolkien was actually inspired to write the series while he was staying in Malawi. And the Shire (pronounced: shir-ree around here) would later become the Shire in his books.
Anyway... when we drove up to the bank of the fast moving river, we saw a nice group of Hippos just bobbing in the water. Actual wild hippos. I was really stoked!

But, then our guide gave us a chance to break free when he turned around and started peeing in the bush. So, we got a bit closer and were able to get some cool shots!

You can check out some of the other pictures that I took of these guys on Flickr.
What an awesome side trip.
Now, I am even more pumped up and counting the days before we come to visit. Like father ,like son in many ways. It appears that you were definitely pushing the danger envelope . I am so proud of you! but not necessarily for pushing the envelope.
As always the photos are great!
I love you!
Well, unlike your father I would rather you ere on the side of caution!
With that being said I love the pictures. I was reminded of a HUGE report you did on hippos when you were in grade school. I think it is cool you got to meet Mr. Hippo face to face (literally).
I hope you will bring us to see these amazing animals. I promise to choose a tour guide who will be very alert and be in control of his customers (especially your father).
Thanks for sharing this awesome adventure!
Love You Always!
What are you.....living in Africa or something???
Just kidding! I think that is so amazing that you ran into elephants and hippos. Really really amazing.
I'm jealous that you got to photograph them. One of my pretend dream jobs is being a photographer for national geographic. Hey, you should look into that.
Fun times!
Ha... I forgot all about that Hippo project from the 1st grade! It was one of those big tri-fold board things. Funny!
WOW. Those pictures are incredible. I can't belive you got to see that in person! I am going to be honest, I am slightly bitter that I did not get to see this amazingness while I was in Malawi....maybe I need to come back. Thanks so much for uploading those pictures! They are amazing!
p.s. please stay away from those man-eatting animals...though if I got to chose a way to go, I might choose being eaten by a hippo...just because it sounds cool! I would rather not have to tell about my boyfriend getting eaten by a hippo!
Game park as in the kind where rich Westerners come to kill animals for no other purpose than to stuff them and put them in their offices?... Those places make me real mad.
Thank you for only shooting them with your camera. Some real nice catches in there.
No D.O.... Not the kind of game park where rich Westerners kill animals that are trapped behind fences and then hang them over their fire places... this is the kind of game park the keeps animals safe from poachers and over-population. No killing happening here! In fact... I may be mistaken, but I don't think there are really any hunting safaris in Malawi... you gotta go to South Africa or some other country for that.
AMAZING pics ryan! and thanks for the Lord of the Rings info...i'm always excited for that. :)
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