I am officially in the air... hopefully!
I will be traveling from continent to continent [via South Africa, London, Chicago, Charlotte, Houston] over the next several days.
As much as I like traveling and stuff... I'm pretty sure that traveling doesn't like me! On my way here back in September, as I stood in line to get on the last leg of my grueling flight, I realized that I didn't have a ticket on me for that one. In panic mode, I managed to talk my way on that flight... pretty much because I just have mad skills like that!
Then... the other day, while flipping through all my travel documents, I realized once again that I don't have any ticket to speak of in my possession! So, we have been on the phone with people for the last few days trying to sort if out. It's not quite as easy as one might think.
Nonetheless... I am going to step out in faith and board a plane leaving from Blantyre. I need you to pray that I will be able to board a plane in Johannesburg, London, Chicago and Charlotte. Seriously, airport people are so finicky! They could let me on in one place and then tell me there's no way in the next.
So... please... if you ever want to see my face again... PRAY ME HOME!
See you soon [depending on where you are reading this from]!
Needless to say this proud Momma has been praying nonstop for you to have an uneventful, safe trip home.
God has been amazingly faithful to watch over and protect you thus far...I'm confident he will bring you safely home.
Can't wait!
Found your blog while researching info on Malawi (son there this wk filming/interviewing for story he wants to film) I was so moved by your thoughts and glad I happened up on your particular blog. Please write more - anxious to hear more thoughts esp. after your return home & being away from where you were. I've forwarded your blog to all 3 sons - I know they'll appreciate your thoughts...please email me so I can send you info on sons film when he makes it - it will center on the boy at 14, that built a windmill to generate power in his vlg./hut -conart5@yahoo.com
Coni Brown
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