Is this not the coolest thing in the entire world?!?
The fact is, as much as we try not to, we all see things through eyes that are tented with our own cultures. To deny that is foolish. Keep that in mind when you are reading.
I hope you enjoy it!
oh they are so precious! I miss them a lot too! I love the drawing! Tell those girls hi for me!
I found the difference in the two pictures!!! In the top one, the girls have upside-down smiles. That was easy.
ryan, i just was able to read through your blog...and hope to look in the archives and read more about Malawi. We are friends with Steve and Scott, who is brother in law with Ryan and Heidi Hannah...our church is so on board with some projects there in Malawi. Thanks for all you have done there...
Ohhh...that is so sweet!
Ryan's Dad and I were fortunate enough to spend 2 weeks living next to these precious little girls. They are 2 of the sweetest, loving, well behaved children I have ever been around.
When Ryan says he will miss them like crazy...that is no exageration. They kind of like came with the house he lives in. But not in a wierd way...j/k. The German children have been such a blessing for Ryan, they are always running around laughing and playing...such a joy!
When you are thousands of miles away from home there is nothing like the laughter and love of children to make you no quite so homesick. God definitely used these children to brighten Ryan's days in Malawi.
Thank you Richter children for loving on my son!
Give them a HUGE HUG for me!
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