Muli Bwanji?
How Are You?
Well... my language learning is coming along quite nicely.
I finally got a language helper that I meet with once or twice a week for an hour or so. He is a great guy from the church that I go to here.
I am building up my vocabulary little by little.
One of the best things I did for myself was labeling my entire house in Chichewa (as seen in the picture above)!
So now, every time I use the restroom, I stand there and repeat the word aloud until I'm done. Let's just say that I know the word "Chimbudzi" better than any of the others!
But, I've also labeled most of my food items. So, while I'm cooking at night, it's a nice little Chichewa lesson.
In a lot of ways, the language is much easier to learn than English is. However, there are a few things that make for substantial stumbling blocks.
Overall though, I am making progress... and people are noticing!!
Every once in a while, I will whip out some phrase that I know and shock people.
However, the other day, I was getting a little too comfortable with myself when I was walking through my yard. I walked past this little girl...

She lives on our property... so, she was no stranger.
But, she was wearing this really nice little dress... and I wanted to be a nice good male figure in her life and tell her that I thought her dress looked pretty.
So, without hesitation, I said...
Ndikufuna delesi.
Immediately I knew that the wires didn't cross right in my brain... my mouth did not communicate what my English brain meant to say.
I said: "I WANT your dress."
I stood there for a second kinda stunned, while she was just staring at me like I was some mixed up, cross-dressing, white man. The bad part was that my mind was blank as to how I could correct myself.
So... In a really awkward, Ryan manner, I just fumbled around and said, "No" and walked off.
I felt like a complete idiot.
So... I guess what I'm saying is that I have got to the point where I have just enough language expertise to make a fool out of myself.
I would hate to have to fly to Malawi and bail my son out of jail. They may have your picture hanging in the Post Office if you are not careful..Most Wanted List! Just kidding.
I'm very proud you are progressing with the language. I can't wait to come for a visit and have you show off your language skills. I'm sure Sara is very impressed.
beautiful! and hilarious:) hope you're having fun with sara!!!
Good choice of words. No. That's really funny.
I've noticed Rachel has been wearing pants the past few days...
Ok...I jsut totally busted out laughing and had to read this post to my husband! It's hilarious! Love it!
Ryan, that is hilarious! Little Rachel will be avoiding you like the plague! Hope you guys all doing good. Margs
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